Memory is the fundamental quality of the human person. Thanks to memory, we are who we are. Our past, present and future, our life experience, our environment - all tied to the memory. Losing memory - a person loses himself.

And we have the opportunity to stop the process of age-related memory loss, as well as help those who suffer from cognitive impairment due to illness.

We know how important it is to be in a “clear mind and sober memory” for a modern person.

And we are very close to the problem of those who for various reasons fell into the risk group, who faced the illness.

We can help where everyone gives up and we want to be useful!


Diffuse disturbances in the structure of the brain and, accordingly, impaired brain functions due to unrecognized encephalopathy with its severe complications in the form of strokes, paralysis, memory loss and, as a result, disability is a colossal problem of our time.

No one is immune from this terrible disease, everything can happen overnight, breaking plans, drastically changing the life of a sick person and his family.

WHO (World Health Organization) announced a stroke epidemic spreading around the world.

According to statistics, one of the six inhabitants of the planet suffers a stroke. It is known that in the world every year 12 million cases of strokes are recorded, including 1 million in Russia.

In metropolitan areas, 100-120 strokes are diagnosed per day. In the US, stroke is the main cause of disability. Among the causes of mortality stroke belongs 3rd place. Strokes are the second most common cause of death in the world and overtake cancer (more common is coronary heart disease).

According to statistics, Kazakhstan is in 2nd place in the number of strokes in the CIS, after Kyrgyzstan. Each year, the number of stroke victims in our country increases by 50 thousand people, half of them dying in the first year, the rest remain disabled, and about 20-30% of them need constant nursing care.

95% of strokes occur at the age of 45 years or more.

On average, 50% of stroke survivors in the next 5 years have a second stroke; in the first year, the probability of a recurrent stroke is 10%; in each subsequent year, the probability of a recurrent stroke increases by 5-8%.

Observations show that only 8 to 12 percent of stroke survivors return to their work activities. The numbers speak for themselves!

We hope that our readers do not have any doubts about the relevance of the problem in general and the extreme relevance of prophylactic treatment of encephalopathies of various origins.

Your health and your life in your hands!!!